Thursday, November 12, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Buhler Halloween Party
As always we had a fun time at the annual party! My DH showed up as a tourist and played the part well. Not bad for a last minute costume idea we threw together as we were ready to leave....
2009 Circus
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
Happy March :D

I can't believe how time flies--it seems like we always have so much going on that I focus on getting through the day (each day) and before I realize it, another month has passed us by.
Last month we went to the Draper Temple open house. I chose February 14th, Valentine's Day--mostly because our old neighbors were going that same day. But after I decided to go that same day, I thought my family should join us. I invited my parents and Stephens family to join us. It was such a fun way to share "love day" with my family. After the Temple we went out as a family to Chuck-A-Rama to treat the kids to diner. It was a perfect day!

The Draper Temple is beautiful. I am always amazed at how each Temple has their own style. I was amazed at the darker cream color on the walls at this one--in my head I think, Temples are white, inside and out. I know that isn't totally true, but in my head everything is white. The stain-glass windows were pretty cool too, like cotton. Although, I still like Timpanogos Temple the best since I like the chunks of glass that looks like ice--and I like that I can see out of the Temple windows there.
It's so awesome to see the Temple in the Salt Lake valley and to point them out to my kids. We always play I-spy when driving home from Grandma K's house. They don't even look up from their Gameboys now when we say "I spy something white". Their immediate answer is "the Temple", so this week I decided to teach them the names of the Temples since we can point to three different ones, and to help them know the names of each one. This also helps so they stop playing their games and actually look out the window. We are so blessed to have so many Temples in Utah. Last night we drove home from Stephens and was able to point out the Bountiful and Salt Lake Temples.
Along with helping our kids know the names of each Temple, we are also talking to them about it when we go. We decided that they need to know when we go so they will know how important it is to us. We are also trying to have discussions with them to help them understand "why" we go to the Temple.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Happy Birthday Jayden

Ok, I am very late on getting this up here and haven't done very good and keeping up on my blog lately, so I am trying to repent.
The main thing that has happened, is Jayden turned 4 last month. We decided, he was too old to sleep in a toddler bed anymore, so we set him up with a big boy room (thanks to Rob giving us the set). Now JJ has the beginnings of a camping room. We are still working on decorating, but he has a tent that he sleeps in every night.
For his birthday, we went to Chuck-E-Cheese, which mom tried very hard to discourage, but he had a blast, and it was well worth going and spending time with my family.
JJ is a huge fan of Spiderman so when he picked out his new bike, it had to be Spiderman. Now mom is excited for the good weather to see if JJ can keep up with her on his new wheels--it may be me trying to keep up with him, either way, it beats a stroller or tricycle. JJ also got a DS for his birthday. Now his sisters won't have to share their with him--he loves the Mario Bros. game too, it seems to be the only game that gets played at our house. JJ loves puppy dogs (we have a pretty big collection of stuffed dogs since we don't do well with the real ones), wrestling or pouncing on unsuspected family members, helping mom clean and loves having stories read to him, especially by his sisters. He also advanced from nursery to a Sunbeam--all these big milestones all in one month. What's a mom to do.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
25 Things About me!
I did this list for Facebook (FB), so I thought I would include it on here.
1. I met my male BFF in a cave
2. Would love to be organized but don't know where to start or how to afford what I think I want.
3. I have the best in-laws
4. I have an up and down relationship with Weight watchers. Down one week, back up the next. AUGH!!
5. My drink of choice is Water! It's my way of refusing to pay any more than I have to at restaurants.
6. I love to scrapbook, but haven't worked on anything for over a year, maybe two.
7. I am terrified of yeast and making homemade bread. It's a good thing the wheat I bought last year is good for 30 years--maybe by then, I will be over my fear
8. I have the best husband and kids. And I am so lucky to get to stay home and be a mom.
9. I could live days without tv and probably music, but I go insane without my internet.
10. I am addicted to Cafe Rio, but the price keeps me in control.
11. I spent about 5 years singing in a musical church fireside with my brother and his wife, which is the only time I would sing a solo and never managed to sing it without messing up.
12. My brother would put on an annual Christmas concert where we would build a stage in our house and my brother and sister and I would sing for family and friends.
13. I love Volleyball. My favorite time playing was on my mission when I would make the Elders play volleyball instead of basketball (since sisters were not allowed to play basketball). In one of my areas, we got really good at our bump, sets, and spikes. Softball would be my greatest love if I ever could find anyone to play with me.
14. I love typing, which is the only reason I am making this list again, lol! But if I want to be inspired, I need a pen and notebook--which goes to explain why I don't get inspired much any more.
15. I want to go on a cruise--not on a retired, falling apart boat to the Bahama's where we had to stay in a run down hotel with brownish towels.
16. I would love to live out of Utah and in the mission field, if it didn't mean moving away from family, but if we had the opportunity, I would do it.
17. I love to read. My favorite author is Betsy Brannon Green.
18. I love to spend time with my family.
19. I hardly cook a hot breakfast for my family unless it is for dinner.
20. I would love to go to Australia & Europe, but have a fear of getting lost or being clueless if I ever went, so when I put my papers in for my mission, I marked that I would like a states mission--who knew New York will feel foreign.
21. I'm the Wolf den leader in Cub Scouts.Vistiting teacher coordinator and on the Enrichment Board in Relief Society
22. If I can finish a full load of laundry each day, I know it's been a successful day.
23. I have to agree with Villate--"That thing people say about having favorites among your children? It's totally true, but they don't tell you that your favorite may change from day to day."
24. I am the youngest of 3 kids and never liked having an odd number, so I vowed I would have an even number of kids, but here I am, with the same amount of kids.
25. I am so glad to have this done FINALLY!!
1. I met my male BFF in a cave
2. Would love to be organized but don't know where to start or how to afford what I think I want.
3. I have the best in-laws
4. I have an up and down relationship with Weight watchers. Down one week, back up the next. AUGH!!
5. My drink of choice is Water! It's my way of refusing to pay any more than I have to at restaurants.
6. I love to scrapbook, but haven't worked on anything for over a year, maybe two.
7. I am terrified of yeast and making homemade bread. It's a good thing the wheat I bought last year is good for 30 years--maybe by then, I will be over my fear
8. I have the best husband and kids. And I am so lucky to get to stay home and be a mom.
9. I could live days without tv and probably music, but I go insane without my internet.
10. I am addicted to Cafe Rio, but the price keeps me in control.
11. I spent about 5 years singing in a musical church fireside with my brother and his wife, which is the only time I would sing a solo and never managed to sing it without messing up.
12. My brother would put on an annual Christmas concert where we would build a stage in our house and my brother and sister and I would sing for family and friends.
13. I love Volleyball. My favorite time playing was on my mission when I would make the Elders play volleyball instead of basketball (since sisters were not allowed to play basketball). In one of my areas, we got really good at our bump, sets, and spikes. Softball would be my greatest love if I ever could find anyone to play with me.
14. I love typing, which is the only reason I am making this list again, lol! But if I want to be inspired, I need a pen and notebook--which goes to explain why I don't get inspired much any more.
15. I want to go on a cruise--not on a retired, falling apart boat to the Bahama's where we had to stay in a run down hotel with brownish towels.
16. I would love to live out of Utah and in the mission field, if it didn't mean moving away from family, but if we had the opportunity, I would do it.
17. I love to read. My favorite author is Betsy Brannon Green.
18. I love to spend time with my family.
19. I hardly cook a hot breakfast for my family unless it is for dinner.
20. I would love to go to Australia & Europe, but have a fear of getting lost or being clueless if I ever went, so when I put my papers in for my mission, I marked that I would like a states mission--who knew New York will feel foreign.
21. I'm the Wolf den leader in Cub Scouts.Vistiting teacher coordinator and on the Enrichment Board in Relief Society
22. If I can finish a full load of laundry each day, I know it's been a successful day.
23. I have to agree with Villate--"That thing people say about having favorites among your children? It's totally true, but they don't tell you that your favorite may change from day to day."
24. I am the youngest of 3 kids and never liked having an odd number, so I vowed I would have an even number of kids, but here I am, with the same amount of kids.
25. I am so glad to have this done FINALLY!!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
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