Check out these cute Valentine's cards that my kids handed out this year!! Before you think I am all creative, this was an idea from someone else's blog, but more importantly, my husband is the one who decided to actually do it. I just sat back and watched until it was time to add the suckers. I tried taking pictures with the suckers, but they were all blurry, so I picked the best, just to show you the final results. I thought it was cute when the kids all came home and said their friends loved their cards and were so happy they had the cutest Valentines. (I am not sure why the one picture is turned, but it does make things fit better, sorry about that)
I love the picture of Mike and I! After standing and waiting forever for my daughter to take the picture, we didn't check it to see the final result, so instead it looks like Mike is miserable being my Valentine :( But check out the flowers he sent me. It's the 100 blooms of love bouquet. So SwEeT!! I went all out since it was family night and instead of just having our candlelit Lasagna dinner, decided to throw in some chocolate covered strawberries (which I can't stop eating...good thing there is only 5 left this morning) and cookies. My plan was to deliver the cookies to a few neighbors and let the kids have fun leaving them anonymously, but I only had one size cookie cutter and it was huge, so we didn't have a bunch of extras we were willing to give away, LOL! We did choose one family and let my two youngest do the honors of leaving the surprise. I think they realy enjoyed it, I felt bad we couldn't do it to more neighbors. I guess I better go buy some smaller size cutters for next year!
I had so much fun spending time with all my Valentine's. That reminds me of my youngest asking me if he was my Valentine so he could have some strawberries. He was so happy when I said yes, even if it was for the food and not the fact of his mom being his Valentine.
I love you all everyday of the year, not only on Valentine's!!
I always look so misserable in these pictures. :) you can't take any more. I love your blog even though I live it, it makes me happy to read it.
Those strawberries look SO good! I'm going to have to make some!!!
It all looks so good!! Chocolate covered strawberries are my favorite!
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