It's been more than a year in the making, but we finally made it. My oldest has thick, gorgeous red hair. It's so fun to do her hair and she looks so grown up. Well, last year she decided to donate her hair to Locks of Love so someone else could enjoy a little of her hair. She could have had it cut last year, but it would make her hair extremely short, so we decided to wait until the spring, that way it would keep her warm for the winter. Needless to say, it was a bit too warm for her. She would make me braid it every night in two braids, so she wouldn't get too hot or wake up with a huge hair ball (tee hee). Well, Mom got impatient for her hair cut, since doing it both morning and night was getting old. :(
Tuesday was the big day. She barely had the 10 inches needed, but here is the big cut!! Way to go girl. You will make a few girls really happy :D